Colby Reunions 2007

Colby Reunions 2007
I knew I mastered something at Colby

Monday, April 9, 2007

Well I am always a fan of people keeping track of my witty comments, remember how damn funny I was on our Colby 02 emails? yeah, I know you all keep those in your back pockets for a rainy day, don't lie!!!

Welcome to the Blog

Obviously I am a loser and have nothing better to do, but I thought it would be "fun" to get psyched up for reunions on a blog. They are super easy to use and you can read everything at once instead of your inbox getting inundated with emails. Just click on the "New Post" link in the upper right corner of the screen or if you want to comment n what someone else has said click on the "comment" button under their post. This way we can also go back and review just how witty we are on a regular basis